One Hand v. The Other Hand

On the one hand:

He added me to Facebook just under a week ago. The day he added me, we exchanged a few messages rather briskly and then… the chirp chirp chirp of crickets. I wrote the last message, and it was something to the effect of  “yes, let’s go out some time,” accompanied by a winking emoticon. The sudden halt in communication is classic he’s just not that into you. Especially because I’ve seen him online a handful of times when I’ve been. I should move along and save my energy for the private equity guy who wrote to me on who’s into shark diving and triathlons, but exudes too many Mission: Find a Girlfriend vibes and may or may not have a creepy smile.

On the other hand:

Life is short and chemistry is rare — especially for this girl, in this town, at this point in life. Buddy was obviously into me that night a week ago, and added me to Facebook as soon as he got home. Our conversation flowed easily and we’re on the same page for oh so many things. I should give him a little nudge. Maybe say hello next time we’re both online. Maybe ask him if he wants to do something at a specific time on a specific day. What do I have to lose? No harm in trying, right? Maybe he’s afraid I’ll reject him, and he’s leaving the ball in my court. Should I not give him the benefit of the doubt?

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